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Mark A Barill painting the background mural for the Triassic Diorama at the State Museum of Pennsylvania


  Mark A Barill has been working as a professional artist in the Pittsburgh area for thirty years. As a scenic artist, he painted sets for more than twenty films and created natural history exhibits for museums across the country. Mark has taught studio classes at a number of local colleges and for fifteen years, curated the art shows at DV8 Gallery. Throughout this time, Mark has maintained a studio practice and exhibited widely over the region.


  Mark is captivated by the pyrotechnics of paint: optical illusions, visual puns, the vibrant interplay of complimentary colors, and the subtle push-and-pull of visual tension. His work explores the inherent narrative within representation and how incongruous images combine to tell a story.  Conceptually, the central question that runs through all of Mark's work: what does it mean to be human in a more-than-human world?


  Mark Barill is an artist, naturalist, husband of forty years and father of two remarkable young men. Born and raised in West Virginia, He went on to live in California, North Carolina and now the small town of Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Mark finds the wooded river valleys with their rust-belted edges a constant source of inspiration.

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